Vivid language paints a picture
Tikkurila is a leading Nordic paint company whose products are manufactured of carefully chosen raw materials that meet the highest quality standards. They develop premium products and services that provide customers quality that will stand the test of time and weather. Tikkurila’s vision is to paint a more sustainable future and create surfaces that make a difference.
“It was great to have Itranslate come to the rescue right away. And because they are experienced in translating B2B copy, we got off to a quick start,” says Tikkurila’s Group Marketing Manager, B2B, Katri Heikkilä. “Even though our assignments are urgent, Itranslate is always on schedule. They have answered the call and delivered professional translations hassle-free. We’ve been extremely happy with the results,” Heikkilä continues.
”Tikkurila is an important client for us. Their assignments are always engaging and allow us to flex our creative muscles, a proven strength of our translators. It’s an honour to provide services to a leading Finnish chemical industry company,” says Itranslate’s Head of Sales and Marketing Hanna Kostamo.